Paavoken Industrial Equipment (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in paavoken lead-acid batteries,etc.,hotline:400-860-3788。

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1. Rational lifting weight: The rated lifting weight of forklift truck refers to the maximum weight of goods allowed to lift when the distance between the center of gravity of goods and the front wall of fork is not greater than the distance between the center of load, expressed in T (tons). When the center of gravity of the goods on the fork exceeds the specified load center distance, due to the limitation of the longitudinal stability of the fork truck, the lifting weight should be reduced accordingly.
2. Load Center Distance: Load Center Distance refers to the horizontal distance T from the center of gravity to the front wall of the vertical section of the fork when standard cargo is placed on the fork, expressed in mm (mm). For 1T to 4T forklift trucks, the specified load center distance is 500mm.
3. Maximum lifting height: The maximum lifting height refers to the vertical distance between the upper surface of the horizontal section of the forklift and the horizontal ground where the forklift truck is located when the forklift truck is fully loaded on a flat and solid ground and the goods are lifted to the highest position.
4. Portal frame inclination: The portal frame inclination refers to the maximum inclination of the unloaded forklift truck on the flat and solid ground, with the portal frame forward or backward relative to its vertical position. The function of forward inclination angle is to facilitate forking and unloading cargo; the function of backward inclination angle is to prevent cargo from sliding from the fork when the forklift carries cargo. Forklift trucks generally have a forward inclination of 3 ~6 and a rear inclination of 10 ~12.
5. Maximum hoisting speed: The maximum hoisting speed of forklift truck usually refers to the maximum speed of goods hoisting when the forklift truck is full load, expressed in m/min (m/min). Increasing the maximum hoisting speed can improve the operation efficiency, but the hoisting speed is too fast, which is prone to cargo damage and damage accidents. The maximum lifting speed of forklift trucks in China has been increased to 20m/min.
6. Maximum driving speed: Increasing the driving speed has a great impact on improving the efficiency of forklift operation. For an internal-combustion forklift with a lifting weight of 1T, the minimum driving speed at full load is not less than 17m/min.
7. Minimum turning radius: When a forklift truck is running at low speed without load and turning full steering wheel, the minimum distance from the outermost and inmost parts of the body to the turning center is called the minimum outside turning radius Rmin and the minimum inside turning radius rmin, respectively. The smaller the minimum lateral turning radius is, the smaller the ground area needed for forklift turning and the better the maneuverability is.
8. Minimum ground clearance: Minimum ground clearance refers to the distance from the fixed lowest point on the body to the ground outside the wheel. It indicates the ability of forklift truck to cross the raised obstacles on the ground without collision. The larger the minimum ground clearance is, the higher the trafficability of forklift truck is.
9. Wheelbase and wheelbase: Forklift wheelbase refers to the horizontal distance between the front and rear axle centerline of the forklift. Wheel spacing refers to the distance between the center of the left and right wheels on the same axis. Increasing the wheelbase is beneficial to the longitudinal stability of forklift, but it increases the length of the body and the minimum turning radius. Increasing the wheelbase is beneficial to the lateral stability of forklift, but it will increase the total body width and the minimum turning radius.
10. Minimum width of right-angled passage: Minimum width of right-angled passage refers to the minimum width of right-angled intersection passage for forklift truck to and fro. Expressed in mm. Generally, the smaller the minimum width of right-angle channel, the better the performance.
11. Minimum width of stacking passage: The minimum width of stacking passage is the minimum width of passage when forklift truck works normally.

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Wuhan Company Address: Jinkou Science and Technology Enterprise Incubation Industrial Base, Hanyang District, Wuhan City
Address of Qingdao Company: Linrui Business Plaza, Shuangzhu Road, West Coast, Huangdao District, Qingdao City
Contact number:400-860-3788